Understanding Montessori

What exactly is Montessori, and why is it so highly regarded by everyone?

The Montessori approach is a child-centered educational method that values a child’s innate curiosity, creativity, and desire to learn. Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori over a century ago, this method emphasizes the child’s whole development, including their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth. The Montessori method focuses on the child’s natural interests and activities, instead of using formal teaching methods, and provides an intentional environment to support the child’s learning.

One of the unique features of the Montessori method is that it views the child as an active participant in their own learning. Teachers serve as guides rather than lecturers, and the child is encouraged to explore and learn at their own pace. This approach promotes self-discipline and autonomy, as well as collaboration and socialization, as children work in mixed-age groups and learn from each other.

In a Montessori classroom, the teacher observes the child’s interests and provides individualized instruction, tailored to the child’s needs and abilities. Children are given the freedom to choose their own work, within a structured environment that promotes concentration and focus. The use of self-teaching materials allows the child to learn concepts independently, with internal reinforcement of their success.

In addition to the classroom environment, the Montessori approach extends beyond the classroom walls. The emphasis on the child’s whole development means that the Montessori approach promotes learning through real-life experiences, such as cooking, gardening, and caring for the environment. The child is encouraged to apply their learning in practical and meaningful ways, which helps to foster a sense of purpose and responsibility.

For parents considering a Montessori education for their child, it’s important to understand that this method is a journey, not a destination. It requires a commitment to the child’s development, as well as a willingness to trust in the child’s innate abilities and potential. It’s important to choose a school that is aligned with your values and beliefs, and to partner with the teachers in supporting your child’s learning and growth.

At My Quest Montessori, we are committed to providing a comprehensive Montessori program that fosters the emotional, intellectual, physical, and social development of each child. Our thoughtfully prepared environment and experienced teachers provide a nurturing and academically challenging setting for children to learn and grow. We invite parents to visit our school and experience the Montessori difference for themselves, and to join us in supporting their child’s journey of discovery and growth.

At a Glance: What Makes Montessori Great for Children at My Quest

• Emphasis placed on cognition & social formation
• Teacher as guide of classroom
• Environment and method promote self-discipline
• Primarily individual instruction
• Teacher encourages collaboration
• Mixed-age group of children
• Child chooses their own work
• Self-teaching materials help child learn concepts
• Child is allocated time to complete lessons
• Learning pace set by individual student
• Internal reinforcement of learning success
• Personal feelings of progress